Open Water course



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Original price was: $1,450,000.00.Current price is: $1,300,000.00.

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Description of the course

The Open Water course in Taganga it's your gateway to the exciting world of scuba diving. This PADI course will teach you how to be a diver's independent, allowing you to explore depths of up to 18 meters anywhere in the world. Perform all your dives on the spectacular Tayrona national natural Park, known for its marine life, vibrant and colorful. Our instructors are highly qualified and with over 20 years of experience. You don't need prior experience to start this adventure. Join us and discover the scuba diving in Taganga!

What includes the course

  • Learn to dive in deep and browse subacuáticamente in the Tayrona Park.
  • 2 buceos de práctica de especialidad de profundidad (12 metros).
  • Manejo de equipo de submarinismo.
  • Buceo en aguas abiertas.
  • Learn to scuba dive in open water and to control the buoyancy in the Tayrona Park.
  • 2 buceos de práctica de especialidad de profundidad (18 metros).
  • Manejo de corrientes marinas.
  • Control de flotabilidad.
  • Learn to scuba dive in open water, and solving common problems in diving in Tayrona Park.
  • 2 buceos de práctica de especialidad de profundidad (18 metros).
  • Manejo de emergencias subacuáticas.
  • Resolución de problemas comunes en el buceo.

Important details

  • Learn to dive in deep and browse subacuáticamente in the Tayrona Park.
  • Learn to control buoyancy and depth in open water.
  • Learn to control buoyancy, and diving in open waters with safety and efficacy.
  • Learn how to manage the diving equipment in an effective way.
  • Learn how to respond to potential problems of diving in open water, such as problems of buoyancy, or problems with the computer.
  • Learn how to keep your safety in the water and to respond to emergency situations.

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